CeEx Program

Ecological technology and equipment for stress relieving the cast, forged or welded steel assemblies


Contract no: CEEX Module I C153/20.07.2006
Contracting authority: The Managerial Agency for Scientific Research, Innovation and Technological Transfer - “Politehnica” Bucharest
Contractor: Research, Development and Testing National Institute for Electrical Engineering - ICMET Craiova
Project manager: dr. eng. Victor PROCA

Program: CEEX - Excellence research
Project class:Module I - Complex Research-Development Projects
Project type:D&RD
Project Acronym: TIEDO

Period of project development: 20.07.2006 - 20.09.2008
Project total value: 1,507,500 lei
From budget: 1,400,000 lei
Co-financing: 107,500 lei
Partners involved in the project:
Project leader/Partner 1: Research, Development and Testing National Institute for Electrical Engineering – ICMET Craiova
Project manager: dr. eng. Victor PROCA
Partner 2: “Politehnica” University - Bucharest
Project responsible Prof. dr. eng. Costica ATANASIU
Partner 3: University from Craiova
Project responsible: prof. dr. eng. Vâlcu ROSCA
Partner 4: Polytechnical University -Timisoara
Project responsible: prof. dr. eng. Pavel TRIPA
Partner 5: Technical University - Cluj-Napoca
Project responsible: prof. dr. eng. Horia BALAN
Partner 6: National Research and Development Institute for Welding and Material Testing - ISIM Timisoara
Project responsible: dr. eng. Doru-Romulus PASCU
Partner 7: National Research-Development Institute for Electrical Engineering -INCDIE
ICPE-CA Bucharest
Project responsible: dr. eng. Mircea IGNAT
Partner 8: SC VIG IMPEX SRL Craiova
Project responsible: dr. eng. Ion PURCARU

Energy efficiency and energy saving
Environment and health
Conservation and sustainable management of natural and artificial resources

Technological platform:

General purpose:
The main objective of the project is the identification of those links from the interdisciplinary field which make possible taking over some conceptual or peak technological achievements from other sectors of technique, in order to achieve the increase of the technical level for electrical equipment, increase of efficiency and decrease of energy consumption, environment conservation. The project carries out a frontier research, contained in many topics of the seventh framework programme, such as:
- 5.8 Energy efficiency and energy saving
- 6.1, 6.2 by considerably reducing the environment pollution and by improving the labor conditions for those who work at present in this field.
The development and extension of ecologic technologies of vibratory stress relief impose undertaking the following research activities:
- basic research – development of concepts and theories on the mechanism of internal stress generation, ecological treatment of stress relieving, destructive and non-destructive method for assessing the internal stresses
- applied research – computer-aided achievement of functional models of the ecological equipment for vibratory stress relief, experiments, stress relief procedures and methods for assessing the internal stresses, drawing up of a comparative study
- information dissemination by publishing papers in literature (in the country and abroad), books edited by the Publishing House “Editura Tehnica” Bucharest, participations in international conferences and organization of symposia (conferences)

Strategic objectives
- Achievement of an integrated technological network in the field of vibratory stress relief, allowing to set up an excellence centers for international cooperation (doctor’s degree, master’s degree, post graduation courses) offering the framework necessary for interdisciplinary research within the technological platform PT 23 – Steel, with a view to integrating it into the European technological platform
-Attracting and forming young graduates, for integrating them in research activities
-Publication of papers, books and participation in international conferences aiming at the preparation of partnerships for the seventh framework programme.
-Resource management by attracting and forming young graduates and researchers, the master course named “ Machine safety and integrity” – Faculty of Mechanics, “Politehnica “University – Bucharest.

Project finalizing way: Achievement of functional models, experiments and demonstration of their functionality

Schedule for project achievement:
2006 - Stage I: Concepts and theories regarding the mechanism of internal stress decrease and methods for determining the internal stresses in cast, forged, welded steel structures
Period: 20.07.2006 - 05.12.2006
Total value of the stage: 165,000 lei

2007 – Stage II: Execution documentation for functional models and specialized software drawing-up
Period: 06.12.2006 – 20.04.2007
Total value of the stage: 85,000 lei

2007 –Stage III: Achievement of functional models and experiments on specialized software
Period: 21.04.2007 – 20.09.2007
Total value of the stage: 446,500 lei

2008 – Stage IV: Experiments; comparative study drawing-up; Demonstration of functionality
Period: 21.09.2007 – 20.09.2008
Total value of the stage: 811,000 lei

Potential users:
-producers of welded and cast assemblies, forgings

Technical, economic and social impact

The main technical impact of the project is generated by the fact it is within the topics of the seventh framework programme and meets perfectly the requirements of the European technological platform in the field PT23 – steel.
By applying the project results, direct benefits are got for the supplier of ecological stress relief equipment, ICMET Craiova (which has a Production Section and accredited Test Laboratories and is able to execute and homologate the prototype by its own funds) and indirect benefits for the users.
By different applications developed, the project contributes to the creation of better conditions for life and labor, health care inclusively, opportunities for education, technological transfer improvement, creation of new jobs, production increase and hiring of young and specialized labor force.
The project contributes to environment conservation by replacing the energy-intensive technology of thermal stress relieving, and is non-polluting one
The partnership founded for project achievement (four universities, three R&D Institutes and one SME specialized in software) leads to the following estimated results:
- assurance of developing internally a network of specialized institutions, internationally recognized and active, allowing to set up an excellence center in the field of vibratory stress relief for international cooperation (doctor’s degree, master’s degree, post graduation courses), offering the framework necessary for interdisciplinary research within the platform PT23
- national distribution of the partnership and wide-scale dissemination of the results create the prerequisites for increasing the number of economic agents who will benefit from the project results
- attraction and forming young graduates in the field of scientific research create the prerequisites for limiting the exodus of well-prepared young people towards the developed countries
- by the international projects which are in progress at present, the drawing up collective could disseminate the results of the proposed project and could find new opportunities of cooperation with research and economic units from abroad
- increase of the weight of R&D institutes and universities which have high performance research and informational equipment and apparatus.

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Research-Development Laboratory for Electrical Electromechanical and Monitoring Equipment
