CeEx Program

Extension of Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory with a view to providing the conditions for testing the automotive electric and electronic sub-assemblies in accordance with the provisions of European Directive 2004/104/EC


Contracting authority: Romanian Accreditation Association – RENAR
Contractor: Research Development and Testing National Institute for Electrical Engineering – ICMET Craiova
Program : CEEX – Excellence research
Project class / Project type: module IV – Projects for the development of the infrastructure for conformity assessment and certification / P-CONFORM
Project acronym: EAA-ICEM
Period for project development: 10.08.2006 – 31.01.2008
Partners involved in project :
Project leader : Research Development and Testing National Institute for Electrical Engineering – ICMET Craiova
Project manager: eng. George MIHAI
Phone: +0351 402425

Main objective:
The main objective of this project proposal is to assure the development of the infrastructure for product conformity assessment and certification in Romania, in prospect of our country adhering to European Union.
The aim is the extension of the capabilities and competences of EMC laboratory from National Institute for Research and Development, by increasing the number of accredited tests with the tests specific to automotive electric and electronic subassemblies covered by the Directives 2004/104/EC; 89/336/EEC and 1995/5/EC, which at present cannot be performed in Romania.

Diagram for project achievement:
2006 - Stage 1. Study on electromagnetic compatibility tests specific to automotive electric and electronic subassemblies (ESA), provided in European directives
Term: 30.11.2006

2007 - Stage 2. Drawing up and achievement of the functional model for ESA testing circuits
Term: 31.08.2007

2007 - Stage 3. Drawing up of the documents for extending the accreditation of EMC laboratory with the tests provided by European Directive 2004/104/EC
Term: 30.11.2007

2008 - Stage 4. Extension of EMC laboratory accreditation and information dissemination
Term: 31.01.2008

Potential users:
The companies manufacturing or importing electric and electronic automotive subassemblies.

Technical, economic and social impact:
Technically, the project results have consequences on:
- possibilities of performing, within the laboratory, all the electromagnetic compatibility tests required by European and international standards with direct applicability in the construction of automotive electrical and electronic subassemblies;
- design of automotive electric and electronic equipment with low level of electromagnetic radiation;
- suitable location of supply harness inside the automobile;
- carrying out conform tests, on the basis of which type homologation of the electric and electronic subassemblies produced in Romania could be done by notified certification bodies;
- development of new products, competitive with similar products from European market as regards electromagnetic compatibility, which will contribute to the economic growth foreseen in prospect of our country integration to European Community .
Economically, the main consequence refers to the decrease of expenses allotted by the Romanian manufacturers of electric and electronic equipment to designing and homologating new products, by removing the need to appeal to the services of certain testing laboratories from abroad. There will be also possible to perform high quality accredited tests, recognized by international bodies, allowing the European companies which manufacture automotive subassemblies to perform lower cost tests in Romania than in European Union countries. Socially, by creating the premises for increasing the competitiveness degree of Romanian products on European market, it is foreseen the increase of the number of the companies manufacturing automotive subassemblies, production growth, export development and consequently, the increase of the number of employees in this activity field.

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