Official address:

Research , Development and Testing National Institute
for Electrical Engineering - ICMET CRAIOVA

144, Calea Bucuresti, 200515 Craiova ROMANIA
Phone: +40 251 436866, 437795
+40 251 415482, 416726

Education and qualifications
Professional career
Academic career
Research activity
Translations from German into Romanian
Stages abroad
Professional and Technical Societies
International scientific cooperation programs achieved
Main technical and scientific achievements

Education and qualifications:

Doctor Engineer (Ph.D) degree in Electrical Engineering from "Polytechnica" University Bucharest (1977).

Professional career:

R & D & Testing Institute ICMET
Scientific Manager-Head of Laboratories Department since 1990

Academic career:

Professor since 1993
Ph.D's degree conductor since 1991 (8 Ph.D candidates)

Research activity:

Actual domains: Testing & Monitoring & Diagnosis of Power Transformers, EMC in Power Engineering
Other domains: HV & HP Technologies, Magnetic & Magnetoelastic Materials, AE PD Detection & Transient Phenomena in Power in Power Transformers.


Romanian Scientific Medal of Merit;
Romanian Academy Prize "Traian Vuia";
Golden Medal for a series of patents Jassy 1994.
Who's Who in the World, Millennium Edition 2000
Prize of Romanian Academy for Technical Sciences (SIR 2000).
Honorary Professor at Craiova University.


Number of papers (in Scientific Journals): 59 (7 abroad);
Number of papers at Scientific Conferences: 87 (22 abroad);
Books, University text books: 14.

Translations from German into Romanian:

Mosch/Hauschild: HS Isolierungen mit SF6 Verlag Technik/Technical Publishing House 1984;
Schwab: Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit Springer Verlag/Technical Publishing House 1996.

Patents: 13

Stages abroad:

1970 (June - July) Germany, Dresden, Technical University;
1979 (December) Germany, Dresden, Technical University;
1992 (September - December) Germany, UNI - Karlsruhe, IEH (Prof. A.J. Schwab); Visiting scientist; Research stage financed by DAAD;
1996 (October - December) Germany, UNI - Karlsruhe, IEH (Prof. A.J. Schwab); Visiting scientist; Research stage financed by DAAD;
1999 (October - December) Greece, UNI - Patras; NATO Research Fellowship.

Professional and Technical Societies:

  • INTERELECTROTEST: Romania's representative 1971-1989; Chairman of TK 2 (High Voltage) Committee 1976-1978;
  • IEC Romanian National Committee, Secretary of TC 14 "Transformers" 1980-1990; Chairman of Romanian IEC TC 8 "Switchgears & Instrument Transformers & High Voltage" since 1990; Romania's representative in IEC TC 42 "High Voltage" since 1996;
  • RENAR (Association for Romanian Accreditation Network)-member of the Board of Directors 1998 - 2003;
  • IEEE member since 1993;
  • CIGRÉ member since 1992; Romania's representative in SC 12 (now A2) "Transformers" since 1998; Member of working group WG 33-03 (now WGD1.33) "HV Measurement and Testing Technique" since 1996;
  • Member of the editorial staff of the Romanian review "EEA - Electrotehnica" since 1991;
  • Chief editor of the firm review "Technical Reports - Electroputere" since 1990;
  • ACER (Romanian EMC Association) - Founder & First Chairman since 1997;
  • IEEE EMC Romanian Chapter - Founder & First Chairman since 2003
  • Romanian Academy for Technical Sciences - Corresponding Member since 1999.

International scientific cooperation programs achieved:

  • PTB (Germany) - ICMET Convention to Achieve the National Standard for High Forces 1-32MN (1991-1995);
  • COPERNICUS ERBCIPACT Program of EEC " Mutual Recognition of HV Test and Measurement in Eastern and Western Europe Countries" (Germany, Hungary, Czech Rep., Romania, CIS) (1995-1996);
  • Technical University of Athens - ICMET Bilateral Research Convention "Improvement of Some Testing Methods in High Voltage Engineering" (1995-1996);
  • UNI Karlsruhe, IEH (Germany) - ICMET, - Project RUM 022-96 "Transient Phenomena in Electric Power Systems" (1996-1999): Impulse Phenomena in Power Transformers & Seismic Behaviour of HV Switchgears;
  • UNI Karlsruhe, IEH (Germany) - ICMET - Project RUM 036-97 "Electromagnetic Compatibility in Power Engineering" (1997-2000);
  • PTB (Germany) - ICMET Convention for Development of ICMET High Voltage & EMC Laboratory, Measurement Techniques (1995-2002);
  • COST 261 "EMC in Complex and Distributed Systems" (1998-2001);
  • SMT Program EU-SMT-CT98-2270 "Traceability and Mutual Recognizability of Impulse Voltage Measurements".

Main technical and scientific achievements:

  • Coordination of High Voltage Laboratory achievement at ICMET Craiova (technical-economic study, contracting, execution, putting into operation) within 1968-1973 and its development in two stages 1976-1977 and 1979-1981; Scientific research management in the field of HV technique;
  • Testing and certification of the first 400kV equipment of Electroputere (Power transformers and switchgears);
  • A New Method for Power Transformers Switching Impulse Test: CIGRÉ Report 12.10 Paris (1980)
  • Static Switch Use to Generate Switching Impulses in Laboratory and Service to Test Power & Instrument Transformers Using Electromagnetic Induction (1988-1992);
  • Series of Papers and Devices for Acoustic Emission Partial Discharge Detection & Location in Power Transformers on site (1991-2003)
  • Founding of the Romanian Competence Centre - CERTENSMAG - in the field of magnetoelastic phenomena (1992);
  • New Types of Magnetoelastic Transducers with Reduced Energy Consumption - TRADEC (1990-1994);
  • Founding of Numerical Method Laboratory in Electrical Engineering at ICMET (1994);
  • Achievement of Traceability to PTB standards for 32 MN Force Laboratory (1995);
  • DKD Accreditation of 32 MN Force Calibration Laboratory (DKD-K-18701/1997);
  • RENAR Accreditation of ICMET High Voltage & High Power Laboratories (1995);
  • DKD Accreditation High Voltage Calibration Laboratory (DKD-K-18702/1998);
  • Coordination of EMC Testing Laboratory achievement at ICMET Craiova (1996 - 2000);
  • RENAR Accreditation of ICMET EMC Testing Laboratory (1997);
  • DKD Accreditation of EMC Calibration Laboratory for HF & Magnetic Field Probes
    (DKD-K-18703/ 2002)

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